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Palm Oil Blog

Palm oil is a cheap vegetable oil that is disguised under many names and can be found in almost everything sold by supermarkets. 85% of all palm oil comes from Malaysia and Indonesia where our amazing Rainforests are getting destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations. Orangutans are the worst affected by this, along with many other beautiful Rainforest species. Over half of Borneo's Orangutans have perished since 1999 and many are killed in fires started by people to clear land for palm oil plantations. But It's not too late to save our Rainforests and their wildlife, there's still time! But not for long.

DawnOfGreen Eco Project calls for people to come together and make governments recognise that this is the way forward: for supermarkets and suppliers to only buy sustainably sourced and fairtrade palm oil; for plantations to grow sustainable palm oil and be paid decently; and for customers to only buy products with certified sustainably sourced palm oil logos or where it is clearly stated. This is the way to go.

please look out for logos on products such as the fairtrade or RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified sustainable palm oil.

(Facts sourced from BBC website)

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Tony Faulkner
Tony Faulkner
05 avr. 2021

A very important message. We need to find ways to put pressure on supermarkets and the government.

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