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I've been featured in the CEE Bill's News! Please go check it out here:  and while you're there have a look at the CEE Bill's website, they're a really cool organization that tackles the climate and ecological emergency


I've also been featured on Medway Valley Countryside Project's Team Blog Page and Facebook Page! Go check it out here: and also follow them on Facebook:

DawnOfGreen Eco Project

Home: Welcome

takes you to my crowdfunder. may not be live at current time.

My idea is to focus on one or two topics at a time and tackle them. I'm currently working on palm oil, why it's causing deforestation and what governments, supermarkets and suppliers can do about it. I'm planning on contacting all my relevant partners to ask for their input. I will display updates here :).


Update log 1: the petition is live on change .org! This is the link:


Update log 2: I have a few entries as for opinions on palm oil to be a persuasive aspect to the people I will be emailing and I have decided who I will email but I have got a little distracted because I have diverted my attention to another project.

project 2: Turning my village's derelict, safety hazard-like, old Victorian school into a nature reserve for the local wildlife and community. Here are the things I have to do:


  • find out who owns the school

  • speak to them

  • fund-raise

  • crowdfund

  • apply for grants

  • buy the school (probably in my mum's name)

  • put my signs up to say what I'm converting it into (personally I get really worried when builders come to a natural place because I know that they want to build houses on it and I wouldn't want people getting worried that there would be more houses in the village)

  • Knock down the newer extensions to the original 1878 school

  • rip up the playgrounds

  • plant trees, shrubs, bee and butterfly gardens, a sensory garden, habitat-specific areas and paths through the reserve

  • convert and make structurally sound the visitors center

Home: Who We Are

Who We Are

Dawn Of Green Eco Project is here to unite everyone doing something about the environmental crisis. Small and big organizations, businesses, individuals, families, everyone is welcome and needed to help save the planet. If Dawn Of Green can gather enough people, we will speak to governments and get them to do more about it, and if we can get even more people we can really take matters into our own hands.

These are my 3 key categories for what I hope to achieve in the future -

None of these are achievable immediately but together we can accomplish them in the future

To save wildlife and the environment

  • To rebuild ecosystems

  • To restore wildlife

  • To make space for nature in cities

  • To save endangered species

  • To protect habitats

  • To stop deforestation

  • To ban over-fishing

  • To make farming better for nature

  • To stop extinction

  • To stop biodiversity loss

  • To protect marine habitats

  • To stop poaching/hunting

  • To clean the oceans

  • To protect wild areas

  • To stop destroying habitats

  • To safeguard lakes and rivers for wildlife

  • To fight ash dieback

No waste and sustainable production

  • No waste by...

  • Sustainable production

  • Also i kind of want to invent cheap biodegradable plastic packaging

No pollution and green energy

  • No pollution by...

  • Green energy by...

  • Hydrogen powered cars

  • Wind, solar, hydro-electric and wave powered energy

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